Wednesday 19 September 2012

Wait Staff - YouTube Clip PMI Analysis

PMI Analysis of YouTube Clip




Quiz - PowerPoint

In this quiz I have hyperlinked the slides so that it can be used as an actual quiz =] these are some of the screen shots form it.

Skype Role Play

This is a screen shot of the waitressing role play that we did as pairs on skype.

(This image was sourced from: Google Images) 

Voki - Greeting

This is my Voki greeting that I will use once I am working within a resturant

Menu - Using Glogster

This is the menu I created using Glogster =]

Resturant Layout

This is the Resturant layout I created using PowerPoint, I have included the table numbers.

First Blog - Mind Map

Welcome Everyone,
I am a studenst studying Hospitality - Wait Staff....
I have just completed my first day of the course and I really enjoyed it =]

The following image is the I created starting wth the word resturant: